Case Study: Public School System Chooses The SPHERGO® Surface Cleaning System

Innovative SPHERGO® surface cleaning kit makes mopping floors and cleaning surfaces quick and pain-free.

The Product

The SPHERGO® Surface Cleaning System is ergonomically engineered to reduce wrist stress when cleaning flat surfaces horizontally and vertically. Telescoping and extending poles reduce strain on backs and shoulders. 

The Benefits 

The Sphergo® system is a total surface care solution that is easier to use and cleans faster. It also reduces repetitive motion injury and extends careers for maintenance staff. Its ROI includes more efficient cleaning and savings from reduced sick days and lower medical costs. These multiple benefits convinced one large Public School System, with more than a dozen individual school buildings, to choose The Sphergo® Surface Cleaning System.

The Sale 

Robb Cannady, a sales representative in South Carolina with Buckley & Associates, set his sights on the school system, knowing he needed eight regional managers to buy in. Each building has its own maintenance staff and cleaning needs, requiring more than a one-size-fits-all solution. 

Robb, confident in The SPHERGO® Kit, demonstrated how all the pieces work together for fully customizable, ergonomically friendly cleaning, whether cleaning by hand or using one of the pole adapters. He demonstrated how it quickly scales down to fit on cleaning carts easily. The kit's 11-inch pad was particularly appealing to school officials because of its versatility and effectiveness on various school surfaces. 

For example, when grasping the ball grip by hand, they immediately realized how much faster one could wipe down cafeteria tables with disinfectant between lunch periods. With as many as a dozen meal seatings in a single day at some of the busiest schools, the time savings were eye-opening. Additional applications on whiteboards, desks, tables, window sills, and scuffs on hall and gym floors made the kit's appeal undeniable. 

Each SPHERGO® Starter Kit Includes: 

  • 62-inch telescoping aluminum handle with snap-in socket 
  • 24-inch extended reach pole with snap-in socket 
  • One large surface cleaning tool 
  • One medium surface cleaning tool 
  • Three large Microworks® flat pads 
  • Three medium Microworks® flat pads 
  • Three medium Microworks® flat specialty pad

Robb says, "This is a much less expensive product than what they were using before. That gets us in the door, but the kit's capabilities make it easy to sell."

The Future 

The district's panel of regional managers ordered enough kits so that every building would have two or three, depending on size. During the school year, they purchased even more to stock each building entirely. SPHERGO® is now the district-wide cleaning system of choice. 

​Ready to learn more? 

Contact an Account Representative about adding SPHERGO® Kits featuring MicroWorks® to your next sales presentation.