Info Title


February 20, 2025

Iowa: HF543 has been introduced. HF543 would mandate school districts to provide free menstrual products in at least half of school restrooms for students in grades 6 through twelve.

January 14, 2025

Maine: LD 155 is introduced. This bill would require school administrative units that serve grades 6-12 to make free menstrual care products available in all bathrooms.

January 14, 2025

New Jersey: Assembly bill A-5172 gets introduced. A-5172 requires state and county correctional facilities to make free menstrual hygiene products of varying abosorbency to female inmates.

December 31, 2024

Oklahoma: SB 219 is introduced. This bill requires certain schools in school districts and public charter schools to provide free menstrual products.

December 17, 2024

Tennessee: HB 39 is introduced. This bill would provide feminine hygiene products, at no charge, in all women's and girls' bathrooms, in all locker rooms, and with the school nurse in each eligible school building where instruction is provided.

September 27,2024

California AB 1810 gets signed into law. This bill requires an incarcerated persons to have ready access to free menstrual hygiene products without having to request them.

August 26, 2024

New York bill S.5910-B/A.4060-A is signed into law. This bill requires all public colleges and universities to provide menstrual care products in restrooms on campus free of charge.

July 16,2024

Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro approved a grant that would bring free menstrual products to schools as part of the 2024-2025 budget.

June 5, 2024

Colorado HB 24-1164 gets signed into law. This bill requires all middle and high schools to provide free menstrual products.

Apr 18, 2024

Nebraska LB1284 gets signed into law. This education package bill includes that the State Department of Education shall develop a program to make free menstrual products available in each school district.

Feb 6, 2024

Kansas: House Bill 2727 is introduced. This bill requires public and public post-secondary schools to make menstrual products available at no cost to students.

Jan 31, 2024

Colorado HB24-1164 gets introduced. This bill require local education providers to provide free menstrual products in at least half of applicable school bathrooms that are accessible to students.

Jan 25, 2024

Tennessee: HB2207 gets introduced. This bill would require local education agency and public charter school to provide menstrual products at no cost to the students in certain restrooms. HB 2207 is aimed towards increasing access to products in public restrooms

Jan 19, 2024

New Jersey: A3211/S2302 was recently put in place by Governor Murphy. This new law makes feminine hygiene products available in homeless shelters free of charge.

Jan 9, 2024

California: AB 1810 has been introduced. This bill would require the incarcerated person to have ready access to these menstrual products without having to request them.

Jan 8, 2024

Nebraska: Nebraska Sen. Conrad introduced LB 1050 - this bill will require public schools to provide free period products in restrooms.

Jan 4, 2024

Kentucky: HB 148 aims to eliminate taxes on period products and would require middle and high schools across the state to include free period products in bathrooms for students.

Dec 19, 2023

Minnesota: Additional funding has been added to the Operating Capital to support the requirements of providing menstrual products in applicable schools.

Dec 14, 2023

Pennsylvania: HB 900 is signed into law. This bill ensures that a monthly supply of menstrual hygiene products shall be provided to all incarcerated individuals at no cost regardless of their financial means.

Dec 19, 2023

Arizona: The Arizona Dept. of Education introduced the Dot Project as a one-time appropriation for the 2024-25 school year. This grant helps ensure menstrual products are available in Local Education Agencies restrooms at no cost.

Nov 14, 2023

New York: S.5913A has been signed into law. This bill requires menstrual products to be provided for free in all elementary and secondary public schools and non-public schools in the state.

Nov 8, 2023

Wisconsin: AB 631 is introduced. This bill requires each school district, independent charter school, and private school participating in a parental choice program to provide free menstrual products in all restroom.

Oct 27, 2023

The Massachusetts Senate has unanimously passed S2491. This bill would make disposable menstrual products available at no cost in prisons, homeless shelters, and public schools.

Oct 25, 2023

Canada: Starting December 15, 2023 federally regulated employers will be required to make menstrual products available to workers at no cost

Oct 16, 2023

Wisconsin: Senator Melissa Agard introduces SB 590. Under this bill, each school district, independent charter school, and private school participating in a parental choice program would be required to provide free tampons and sanitary napkins in all restroom facilities.

Oct 8, 2023

California: Governor Newsom signs AB 230 into law. This bill will extend the Menstrual Equity for All Act of 2021 the new requirements will instead apply to public schools maintaining any combination of classes from grades 3 to 12.

Aug 23, 2023

New Jersey bill S-1221/A1349 has been signed into law. This bill requires New Jersey school districts to provide free menstrual products to all public schools teaching grades 6-12.

Aug 4, 2023

New Hampshire: Governor Chris Sununu signed HB 421 into law. This ensures that menstrual products are available at no cost to anyone who menstruates in state prisons and county jails. HB 421 will take effect August 2023.

Jul 20, 2023

Michigan SB 173 gets signed into law. This appropriations bill allows districts that receive state school aid funding to use the funding to provide feminine hygiene products at no cost to students enrolled in the district. (Page 114)

Jul 3, 2023

Ohio HB 33 allocates $5 million to provide free menstrual care products in schools. "Each school district, other public school, and chartered nonpublic school that enrolls girls in any of grades six through twelve shall provide free feminine hygiene products to those students." ( Pages 1043-1044, 5887)

Jun 7, 2023

The City of Houston is expanding access to menstrual care products at 30 of its city run buildings. The city buildings include multi-service centers and other places where Houston Health Department provides services.

May 30, 2023

US Rep. Grace Meng reintroduced the Menstrual Equity for All Act. H.R. 3646 will increase the availability and affordability of menstrual products for individuals with limited access and for other purposes.

May 24, 2023

The Minnesota Governor has approved and signed the education finance bill HF 2497 into law. This bill requires that a school district or charter school provide students access to menstrual products at no charge.

May 18, 2023

Florida: Governor DeSantis approves HB389. HB389 states that school districts may make menstrual hygiene products available in each school within the district at no charge.

May 16, 2023

Minnesota: Minnesota House and Senate has repassed H.F. 2497. This bill includes the requirement of a school district or charter school to provide menstrual products at no charge.

May 10, 2023

Canada will be offering free menstrual products to workers starting in mid-December 2023. This change would apply to federally regulated workplaces.

May 4, 2023

Florida: House Bill 389 unanimously passes the House and Senate. HB 389 if signed into law, would authorize school districts to make period products available at no charge in schools within the district.

Mar 30, 2023

New Mexico: HB 134 gets signed into law. This bill requires public schools to offer menstrual products free to middle, junior, secondary, and high school students.

Mar 28, 2023

Mississippi: HB 1264 gets signed by Governor Reeves into law. HB 1264 authorizes school districts to make period products free to students in the bathrooms or office for grades 6-12.

Mar 15, 2023

Louisiana: HB 117 a bill that would require public schools to provide free menstrual products in easily accessible locations gets introduced.

Mar 14, 2023

New Mexico: HB 134 passes the Senate 27-13 and is now headed to the Governor.

Mar 8, 2023

Texas: House Bill 4199 is introduced and referred to Public Education. If passed, this bill will require school districts to make period products available free of charge in designated restrooms located on each campus in the district.

Mar 3, 2023

Utah: One year after HB162 passed. Utah's Gov. Spencer Cox announced that 1,698 state building restrooms will be stocked with free period products.

Feb 16, 2023

Illinois HB 3093 gets introduced. This bill details that every public restroom open to the public shall provide period products at no cost to the user of that public restroom.

Feb 8, 2023

West Virginia: SB 489 passes the Senate. This bill details that the WV County Education Board makes no-cost period products available to public school students in grades 3-12. Now the bill will move to the house.

Feb 6, 2023

Oklahoma: SB 176 requiring school districts and public charter schools to make period products available at no cost in school female restrooms gets introduced.

Jan 31, 2023

New Mexico: House Bill 134 was introduced. This bill if enacted would provide free period products in all New Mexico middle and high schools.

Jan 24, 2023

Florida: Senate Bill 334, "Learning with Dignity Act", mandating that public schools, including charter schools, provide free menstrual products to middle and high school students was refiled.

Jan 20, 2023

Hawaii: Senate Bill 891 was introduced. SB 891 would require the Department of Accounting and General Services to provide menstrual products at no cost in specified restrooms of public buildings.

Jan 19, 2023

Arizona: HB 2140 was introduced. This would require a school district or charter school that serves grades 6-12 shall make feminine hygiene products available in all women’s and gender-neutral restrooms.

Jan 6, 2023

Kentucky: Senate Bill 55 has been introduced. This bill requires each public school that includes grades four through 12 to provide free feminine hygiene products.

Dec 19, 2022

New Jersey: S-1221 passed by a unanimous vote in the Senate. The bill would require schools teaching grades 6-12 to provide free menstrual products.

Dec 19, 2022

California: State Senator Nancy Skinner introduces SB 59. Under SB 59 — “Equity, Period” — states that all state-owned buildings and those that administer state services must provide free period products.

Dec 1, 2022

Illinois: HB 4218 gets enrolled. This bill requires all institutions and facilities of the Department of Corrections to provide free-of-charge menstrual hygiene products to all committed persons and employees who menstruate.

Nov 15, 2022

Washington, D.C.: B24-0653 a bill requiring all D.C. government-owned buildings to provide access to free period products has been passed. This bill follows the "Period Act" which requires schools in the District to provide free period products to students.

Nov 1, 2022

Ohio: HB743 is introduced. HB743 will require all correctional facilities in the state to provide free feminine hygiene products to all menstruating inmates.

Oct 8, 2022

Texas: The city of Dallas plans on expanding its PAD program to include more sites in an effort to tackle period poverty. The Pad program provides free feminine hygiene products to those in low-income neighborhoods.

Oct 3, 2022

New Jersey: A panel of state lawmakers approved six bills that would make menstrual products without cost in schools, homeless shelters, and through public assistance programs in New Jersey.

Aug 26, 2022

Alabama: Beginning in September 2022, Title 1 schools can apply for the feminine hygiene product grant program for 5th through 12th graders. This program allocates funding to schools to provide girls throughout the state with free period products.

Aug 12, 2022

Guam: The Period Poverty Act, Public law 36-66, is expected to be implemented in October 2022. Period Poverty Act was signed into law by Governor Lou Leon Gurrero in December 2021 ensuring free menstrual products be provided in public schools.

Jun 30, 2022

North Carolina: HB 103 Bill 103 bill includes funding for the Feminine Hygiene Products Grant. The funding for the grant was derived from HB 1087. The Feminine Hygiene Product Grant provides period products in public schools for free.

Jun 30, 2022

Missouri: The state added $1,000,000 into their Fiscal Year 2022-2023 budget to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to provide period products to all middle, junior high, and high schools. HB 3002 was introduced on February 16, 2022, and enacted on June 30, 2022.

Jun 20, 2022

Hawaii: Senate Bill 2821 gets signed into law by Governor David Ige. The state Department of Education receives funding to provide free tampons and pads in public schools.

Jun 14, 2022

Delaware: SB 205 expanding school feminine hygiene access was introduced in the Senate in March 2022 and signed by the Governor on June 14, 2002. The bill expands the availability of free period products to all public and charter schools that have grades 4 through 6.

May 26, 2022

Connecticut: Public Act 22-118/HB 5506/5272 passes. This bill states that the local and regional Board of Education must provide menstrual products for free in restrooms in schools for grades 3-12. (Page 112)

Apr 14, 2022

Alabama: On April 14, 2022 Governor Ivey signs bill HB50 into law. HB50 makes it possible for low-income girls in 5th - 12th grade to have access to free feminine hygiene products.

Mar 7, 2022

Free menstrual hygiene products for public schools in New South Wales, Australia

Feb 1, 2022

Utah House passes bill funding free period products in Utah schools, HB162

Jan 4, 2022

Washington D.C.: D.C. Council passed the Expanding Student Access to Period Products Act that would provide free products in every women's and gender neutral bathroom in the district.

Nov 18, 2021

Ann Arbor becomes 1st US city to require menstrual products in all public bathrooms

AUG 13, 2021

Illinois: HB 0156 is approved by Governor JB Pritzker, effective 8/13/2021. This measure requires menstrual products in school girls’ And boys’ bathrooms.

AUG 5, 2021

Illinois: Illinois public colleges to provide free feminine hygiene products in bathrooms. House Bill 641 effective immediately.

JUL 6, 2021

Colorado: Senate Bill 21-255 signed by Governor Jared S. Polis. The act creates in the department of education the menstrual hygiene products accessibility grant program to provide awards to eligible grant recipients in order to provide menstrual hygiene products at no expense to students. For the 2021-22 state fiscal year, $100,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the department of education to implement the act.

JUN 30, 2021

Oregon: Menstrual Dignity Act, HB 3294 was enrolled June 30,2021 and signed by Governor 7/27/2021. Each public education provider shall ensure that both tampons and sanitary pads are available at no cost to students through dispensers located in at least two student bathrooms of every public school building, effective July 1, 2021.

JUN 29, 2021

Illinois: HB 0156 was sent to the Governor for signature 6/29/2021. This measure will require menstrual products in school girls’ And boys’ bathrooms. The Governor has until 8/29/21 to sign the bill.

JUN 29, 2021

Rhode Island: The H5083 Act passed June 29, 2021 and was signed by the Governor 7/2/2021. Public schools who teach grades five through 12 must provide pads and tampons in gender-neutral and women's bathrooms beginning in the 2022-2023 school year at no cost to students. Effective: Beginning of the 2022-2023 school year

JUN 8, 2021

Maine: An Act To Require Certain Schools To Provide Menstrual Products, HP 328. This bill requires school administrative units to require all schools that serve students in grades 6 to 12 to make available menstrual products to students at no cost in all school bathrooms. Passed the House 6/8/2021; Carried Over by the senate 7/19/2021.

JUN 8, 2021

Nevada: Today AB224 was signed into law by Nevada Gov. Sisolak, requiring charter schools, middle, junior and high schools to provide menstrual products in school bathrooms.

JUN 1, 2021

Reno, Nevada: In the final hours of Nevada's 2021 legislative session, one Nevada teen wanted to make a difference for other young women at school by pushing for free period products in public school bathrooms.

MAY 30, 2021

Maryland: HB204 / SB427 Requires each public school to provide, at no charge, menstrual hygiene products via dispensers in women's restrooms at the schools; Requires the state to reimburse for the costs of purchasing and installing menstrual hygiene dispensers.

MAY 28, 2021

Washington DC: The Menstrual Equity for All Act of 2021 is introduced. It’s a bold, whole-of-government, and comprehensive initiative that seeks to help different populations of women and girls afford and access needed menstrual products, including tampons, pads and many other items.

APR 14, 2021

Washington: By the beginning of the 2022-23 school year, school districts and private schools in the State of Washington must make menstrual hygiene products available at no cost in all gender-neutral bathrooms and bathrooms designated for female students located in schools that serve students in any of grades six through twelve.

APR 8, 2021

Delaware: Amended Title 14 of the Delaware Code. By the 2021-2022 school year, all public and charter schools with grades 6-12 shall provide free menstrual care products in a minimum of ½ of the bathrooms.

FEB 23, 2021

France to make period products free for students. The French government said on Tuesday it would make period products free for students, joining a global drive to end "period poverty" - the inability to pay for menstrual protection.

FEB 18, 2021

New Zealand to Roll Out Free Period Products to All Students. The program, designed to reduce “period poverty,” will begin in June.

DEC 7, 2020

What the U.S. Can Learn From Scotland’s Period Products Law, December 7, 2020

NOV 25, 2020

Scotland becomes 1st country to make free period products the law, November 25, 2020

FEB 25, 2020

Period poverty bill to make sanitary products free in Scotland, February 25, 2020

JAN 10, 2020

Virginia: Bill for schools to provide menstrual products passes in Virginia Senate, January 2020

DEC 3, 2019

Wisconsin Capitol, state buildings to provide free feminine hygiene products in restrooms under Evers mandate, December 3, 2019

SEP 17, 2019

The province announced that free menstrual products are now available for public school students across Nova Scotia, September 17, 2019

JUL 18, 2019

New Hampshire Senate Bill 142 requires school districts to make menstrual hygiene products available at no cost in school restrooms. Effective July 18, 2019

JUL 1, 2019

Georgia Lawmakers allocate $1.5 million in 2020 FY budget to provide Free menstrual pads and tampons to low income women and girls. Effective July 1, 2019

JUL 1, 2019

Tennessee HB 1483 Authorizes qualifying Public High Schools to provide Menstrual Care Products effective 7/1/2019

APR 5, 2019

All British Columbia public schools will be required to provide free menstrual products for students in school washrooms by the end of 2019.

APR 12, 2018

New York State Requires Public Schools to Provide Menstrual Care Products

OCT 13, 2017

California AB-10 Requires Public Schools to Provide Feminine Hygiene Products

JAN 1, 2018

Illinois State Menstrual Care Bill Effective 1.1.2018